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Brain teaser: Can you find out who finished the apple first in this puzzle?

Do you have fun solving brain teasers? If yes, you came to the right place. Today, we bring you a brain teaser that will not only test your common sense but also your logical reasoning skills. Are you up for the challenge?
The brain teaser was shared on Instagram by the handle @battlepromms. The puzzle states, “Five people were eating apples, B finished before C, but behind E. A finished before D, but behind C. What was the finishing order?” (Also Read: Brain teaser challenge: Pronounced as one, written with three letters, What am I?)

A post shared by BattlePro Adm (@battlepromms)
This post was shared a while ago on Instagram. Since being posted, it has gained various likes and comments. Many took to the comments section of the post to share their answers. Several said ‘E,B,C,A,D’ is the correct order.
Earlier, another brain teaser went viral. It featured, “I am pronounced as one letter but written with three. What am I?” This puzzle was shared on Instagram by the handle ‘V for Vocabulary’.
Do you think you have what it takes to solve this riddle?
